Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Memoirs of a Babysitting Father:Entry 2

So this is the second day after Funsho has begun his vacation. Knowing the challenge before me, I was somehow just hoping today would go smoothly, just like yesterday. However deep inside I knew it wouldn’t just be like yesterday.

Let me give you some background, ok? I had worked late into the night and went to bed sometime after 2 am in the morning. What else could I do? Was I to leave my business hanging because I didn’t have any babysitter yet? Definitely not! So I tried to do some work before I crashed for the night.

I wasn’t as lucky as I was yesterday as my sister-in-law didn’t do me the favour of bathing my son. When I eventually got up from the bed, to listen to a 6.30am programme on the TV, I was groggily as I walked into the sitting room. As soon as I finshed watching the programme at 7 o’clock, my son went into the room where his laundry basket is, and pulled out his school uniform. He was bent on going to school this morning. I had to pacify him by putting his P.E. wear on for him. I got one of his favourite DVDs, a Hillsongs Kids video, and started playing that for him. That lasted a while. When he bagan to cry, insiting he wanted to go to school, I took him to a tuck shop nearby and bought him a few sweets just to get his attention off school.

Not long after, sometime around 11, Jadesola, my daughter woke up. She was wet and hungry and needed to be attended to. I mixed her formula up and soon she was sucking away at the bottle. As soon as she finished, I then went on to change her wet diaper. It was then that something funny happened.

I was removing the wet diaper and had put the clean one beside the baby when my 2 year-old son, rushed to the bed, grabbed the diaper and made a run for the bedroom door. I gave chase, and he laughed heartily to see me chase him for the diaper. I couldn’t help laughing when I caught up with him and pulled the diaper out of his hands. He fell to the floor, rolling in laughter. I couldn’t help but laugh. Where did he get that sense of humour from? That just opened the window of sunshine on my drab day. I really can count it all joy!

Life can be tough but what you do with what you have of it can make it so bright you’ll be laughing all the way.